
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Superficial Companionship

Why do we accept temporary love? Most of us have a clear expectation of the kind of love that we want in our lives and yet we accept less than just for the companionship. Cheating ourselves out of what we deserve and yet we get frustrated with the other person who is only giving what they have allotted themselves to give.  As women we have a tendency to give all of ourselves so quickly, even when our partner either has no plans of doing so, or is just out to have fun.  The crazy part is that our partner was upfront about what they wanted and the limitations of their love and we still pour our heart out to them like it’s a glass of lemonade, when all they give us in return is a shot. Frustration comes in and we then take it out on them because they can’t give us what we want.  Ladies, we have to stop this.  It is no their fault that we are so hungry for love and they cannot feed into that right now.  We have to be what we need and then we won’t be left wanting.  This does not mean being cold to your partner, but setting some boundaries with yourself.  It’s going to be difficult to fight the urges to kiss them or caress them or even just do the extra things you do for them, but it has to be done.  What you allow is how you will be treated, so don’t allow anything less than truth and respect..

1 comment:

  1. To me most woman think they can change a man to be the man they need or want... Love conquers all. Yes it does, but want if he isn't in love. Better then nothing comes to mind, because that's want I see a lot. Woman need to unite, to regroup and get on the same page, then men would have to fall back in line. But as long as they play this free for all game they play now of days, looking for love is going to be slim pickings...
